Tag: blockchain

  • Ethereum History: A Brief Summary of Eventful Years

    Source Link: https://analyzingalpha.com/ethereum-history Ethereum is an open-source blockchain with a unique functionality called a smart contract. It allows developers to deploy decentralized apps and cryptocurrency trading without third-party involvement. In less than a decade, Ethereum already features several upgrades to its platform. Here’s a summary of Ethereum’s eventful years: 2011: Vitalik Buterin Visualizes Ethereum Vitalik…

  • Bitcoin Through the Years: A Brief Summary

    Source Link: https://analyzingalpha.com/bitcoin-history Bitcoin was created in 2009 by the pseudonymous developer Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin is just over a decade old, but there is no doubt that it is one of the most profitable and successful cryptocurrencies in the world of finance. It gained millions of followers, and in the last quarter of 2021, it…