Tag: business

  • How Much Money Do You Need to Become a Full-Time Trader

    Source Link: https://algotrading101.com/learn/how-much-money-do-you-need-for-trading/ Are you planning to work as a full-time trader? If yes, here’s a relevant question: “How much money do you need to become a full-time trader?”   Well, you need 20 times your yearly expenses. So, if your yearly expense is $50K, you need $1 million for your trading business.  But, if you…

  • A Guide On Setting Up A Trading Business

    Source Link: https://analyzingalpha.com/trading-business A trading business offers lots of potential, and if you know how to handle and business, you are most likely to succeed. If you are interested in starting your own trading business, here’s a complete guide. Before Starting A Trading Business Before you dig deeper into how to set up and manage…