Tag: crypto

  • Ethereum History: A Brief Summary of Eventful Years

    Source Link: https://analyzingalpha.com/ethereum-history Ethereum is an open-source blockchain with a unique functionality called a smart contract. It allows developers to deploy decentralized apps and cryptocurrency trading without third-party involvement. In less than a decade, Ethereum already features several upgrades to its platform. Here’s a summary of Ethereum’s eventful years: 2011: Vitalik Buterin Visualizes Ethereum Vitalik…

  • yfinance Python – Complete Tutorial – 2022

    If you’re into finance, crypto and stocks, then you must have felt the need for accurate (close to accuracy) market data. With Yahoo Finance, you can get your hands on the market data range of crypto, other currencies, and stocks.  But, the question is, where to access the data successfully and implement it for our…