Algorithmic Trading Starter Code

if you are looking to become an algorithmic trader or you are currently algo trading, then you’ve landed at the right spot. Below we provide all the starter code that you will need to start algo trading.

STEP 1: importing the correct libraries in order to algo trade. some of the popular algo trading packages that we use are pandas for dealing with data. CCXT helps us connect to the exchanges and execute trades, etc. we use numpy in algorithmic trading in order to do complex math functions. In algo trading, you have to make sure to keep your api keys, for example, for Binance super safe so we import a file called xconfig. you create xconfig and store your keys there. with algorithmic trading we are always using time, so must import datetime as dt. Every once and a while we run into annoying warnings, so we filter those out. this is dangerous, so maybe you should not filter warnings out when you are just getting started with your trading bot.

import ccxt, json 
import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np
import xconfig as ds 
from datetime import date, datetime, timezone, tzinfo 
import time, schedule
import nice_funcs as n 
import datetime as dt 
import warnings

STEP 2: connect to the exchange of your choice. for algo trading live, we use ccxt in order to connect to the exchange and it’s pretty easy to do this.

phemex = ccxt.phemex({
    'enableRateLimit': True, 
    'apiKey': 'YOUR KEY HERE', 
    'secret': 'YOUR SECRET HERE', 

STEP 3: when algorithmic trading we like to put our params at the start of the code so they are easily accessible. including the symbol we are trading, the position size, the target & the max loss

symbol = 'BTCUSD'
trade_symbol = 'uBTCUSD'
pos_size = 3 
target = 12

STEP 4: making sure that any algo trade that we import only submits as a limit order or else it cancels the order. we do this by creating a parameter called PostOnly which essentially tells the exchange: if this does not submit as a limit order, then cancel it. this saves us so much in fees.

params =  {'timeInForce': 'PostOnly',}

STEP 5: when algorithmic trading, we are continuously grabbing our open positions so the code below helps us easily do that whenever we need it. in all of our trading bots we are looking to see if we have an open position, what the size of that position is, and is the position long or short. we use pandas data frame in order to save this information neatly

def open_positions(trade_symbol=trade_symbol):

    params = {'type':'swap', 'code':'USD'}
    phe_bal = phemex.fetch_balance(params=params)
    open_positions = phe_bal['info']['data']['positions']

    # print('made 38')
    openpos_df = pd.DataFrame()
    openpos_df_temp = pd.DataFrame()
    for x in open_positions:
        sym = x['symbol']
        openpos_df_temp['symbol'] = [sym]

        openpos_df = openpos_df.append(openpos_df_temp)
    active_symbols_list = openpos_df['symbol'].values.tolist()
    active_sym_df = pd.DataFrame()
    active_sym_df_temp = pd.DataFrame()
    for symb in active_symbols_list:
        indexx = active_symbols_list.index(symb, 0, 100)
        active_sym_df_temp['symbol'] = [symb]
        active_sym_df_temp['index'] = [indexx]
        active_sym_df = active_sym_df.append\
    active_sym_df.to_csv('active_symbols.csv', index=False)
    # time.sleep(744)

    # if the symbol is showing in the df then store
    # the index position as index_pos

    # print('made 67')

    # active_symbols_list & active_sym_df
    active_sym_df_t = pd.DataFrame()
    active_sym_df2 = pd.DataFrame()
    for x in active_symbols_list:
        index_pos = active_sym_df.loc[active_sym_df['symbol'] \
        == x, 'index']
        index_pos = int(index_pos[0])
        #print(f'***** {x} THIS SHOULD BE INDEX: {index_pos}')
        openpos_side = open_positions[index_pos]['side'] # btc [3] [0] = doge, [1] ape
        openpos_size = open_positions[index_pos]['size']
        active_sym_df_t['symbol'] = [x]
        active_sym_df_t['open_side'] = [openpos_side]
        active_sym_df_t['open_size'] = [openpos_size]
        active_sym_df_t['index_pos'] = [index_pos]
        if openpos_side == ('Buy'):
            openpos_bool = True 
            long = True 
            active_sym_df_t['open_bool'] = True
            active_sym_df_t['long'] = True
        elif openpos_side == ('Sell'):
            openpos_bool = True
            long = False
            active_sym_df_t['open_bool'] = True
            active_sym_df_t['long'] = False
            openpos_bool = False
            long = None 
            active_sym_df_t['open_bool'] = False
            active_sym_df_t['long'] = None

        active_sym_df2 = active_sym_df2.append(active_sym_df_t)
        #print('made 108, done')
        #print(f'open_position for {x}... | openpos_bool {openpos_bool} | openpos_size {openpos_size} | long {long} | index_pos {index_pos}')

    return active_symbols_list, active_sym_df2

STEP 6: start building out the strategy. this is where we start building the strategy out and then let our bot execute every 30 seconds or so. there are many ways you can go from here, but below shows how we execute the bot. the rest is up to you. we will make sure to put a bunch of different strategies here on our blog but below is where we put the actual strategy & how we execute every 30 seconds.

def bot():

# RUN THIS EVERY 30 seconds

while True:
        print('+++ maybe an internet problem... code failed, sleeping 10')

FINAL STEP: Join a community like algo trade camp in order to become the best algo trader you can be. just click the button below, give your email and join the free discord to connect with hundreds or algo traders, data scientist and quants.

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