All About CoinMarketCap API: A Complete Guide For Beginners

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CoinMarketCap is one of the market’s most trusted and popular sources for crypto pricing, market capitalizations, and information. This article will show you everything about CoinMarketCap API.

CoinMarketCap API: The Basics

Before going to the how-to’s of CoinMarketCap API, let’s first learn the basics – What is CoinMarketCap? What is CoinMarketCap API? Is it free? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using CoinMarketCap?

What is CoinMarketCap?

CoinMarketCap is one of the world’s trusted and reliable sources of all crypto information, pricing, capitalization, and more.

CoinMarketCap was founded in 2013 with the main objective of adding transparency and accountability regarding cryptocurrencies and market data.

In April 2020, Binance, a popular cryptocurrency exchange, acquired CoinMarketCap for $400 million dollars.

What is CoinMarketCap API?

CoinMarketCap API refers to the gathering of data and information related to cryptocurrency. It includes price, market cap, volume, and exchange data from CoinMarketCap using code.

Available clients for the CoinMarketCap API are the following:

  • Python
  • Node.js
  • Java
  • PHP
  • C#
  • Go
  • Google Sheets
  • Excel
Can I use CoinMarketCap API for free?

Using the CoinMarketCap website is free. However, you need to pay a certain fee to be able to use the API functions.

For basic personal use, CoinMarketCap API offers a free plan, which allows you to access the following endpoints:

  • Crypto referential and info logo and logo assets
  • Latest crypto and flat currency conversions
  • Latest crypto rankings and market quotes
  • Latest Global Market cap, volume, and stats
  • Partner data access

The STARTUP plan is $79 per month, and this plan gives you access to 14 market endpoints, including historical data and OHLVC. 

If you want access to 22 market endpoints, the STANDARD and PROFESSIONAL plans are the way to go.

Reasons to use CoinMarketCap API

Here are the reasons why you should use CoinMarketCap API:

  • It has a free plan
  • It is easy to use, especially for beginners
  • Lots of information
  • Monitors a huge number of coins and exchanges
  • Mobile App available
  • Good API
Reasons NOT to use CoinMarketCap API

Here are the reasons why you should NOT use the CoinMarketCap API:

  • Limited metrics
  • Not always accurate
  • The free plan has limited access
How To Get Started: CoinMarketCap API Guide

First things first. Here is the step-by-step guide to using the CoinMarketCap API.

Obtain API Key

You can obtain the API Key from CMC’s website.

Click on the “Get Your API Key Now” button and fill up all the needed information.

Once the sign-up information is submitted, you need to confirm through the confirmation message sent to your email.

After the confirmation, you will see this:

You can then disable and generate new API keys.

Install the CoinMarketCap API

To install it, use the following command:

CoinMarketCap API Cryptocurrency Functions

Here are the main crypto endpoints of CoinMarketCap API:

  • Metadata
  • Historical quotes
  • Latest Quotes
  • Historical listings
  • Latest Listings
  • Historical OHLCV
  • Latest OHLCV
  • CMC ID Map
  • Latest Market Pairs
  • Price performance stats
How to Obtain Metadata

The metadata will contain the logo, description, website URL, and other information. In order to obtain the information, we need to import the CoinMarketCap library and set up the client.

Now, let’s obtain the data for the Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

How to Get the ID Map Data

The CoinMarketCap ID Map endpoint obtains a mapping of all currencies with their unique IDs. To obtain this endpoint, do the following:

You can make the data more readable by putting it into a pandas data frame. Just follow this:

How to Get Quote Data

To get the latest market quote, do this:

How to Get the Latest Listing Data

Here’s how you obtain the list of all active cryptocurrencies, including their latest market data.

How to Get Fiat Data

Here’s the code you need to get the Fiat data:

CoinMarketCap Exchange Functions API

CoinMarketCap has seven Exchange options, and all these options are not available with the free basic plan:

  • Metadata
  • CMC ID map
  • Historical Listings
  • Latest Listings
  • Latest Quotes
  • Historical Quotes
How to Get Global-metrics

You can obtain this information using this code:

How to Use the Price Conversion Tool

The function of the price conversion tool is to convert one crypto or fiat currency to another currency using the latest market rate.

For example, we will convert BTC currency to USD using 20 as a specified amount. Here’s how to do it:

How to Use Partners Endpoints

This endpoint provides the Fundamental Crypto Asset Score or FCAS latest quotes and listings. Here’s how you do it:

How to Use it n Google Sheets

Here are quick and easy steps to use CoinMarketCap API in Google Sheets:

Go to the “Script Editor” menu on the main tool ribbon.

Start the building process of the script. Make a variable that will pull the data to a specific sheet.

For this example, we will get the latest quotes for Ethereum cryptocurrency that is converted to USD.

Then, create a variable that will access the URL for our API request.

Next, create a result variable.

Create a function that will put it into a txt format.

To make the data readable, parse the data into different Javascript objects.

Save the function and click “Run.” 

After that, be sure to authorize the function.

After that, you should see the data the same as follows:

Note: You can access the full code from this GitHub Link.

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