OpenSea API: Basics Things You Need To Know

The OpenSea API is a  tool that allows users to access everything about the non-fungible token or NFT. It helps find and explore any NFT, including verification of ownership, history of transactions, information about the collection, and all.

What is OpenSea?

OpenSea is a platform accessible online and a marketplace digitally designed and programmed for buying and selling NFTs and other cryptos available in Ethereum blockchain. It supports many chains and tokens, providing an extensive database for NFTs and other semi-fungibles. It is the largest marketplace for Ethereum NFTs that universally implement API.

What is it used for?

For traders, OpenSea API is used as a place to trade and auction NFTs, while for developers, it allows them to integrate the tools extensively.

Why should I use it?

  • It is a free platform.
  • It is user-friendly.
  • It is accessible even for beginners.
  • It provides tutorials to guide new users.
  • It features JS SDK complete with documents.

Why not use it?

  • It could use more than one endpoint.
  • Beginners may need clarification with the smart contract side.
  • An API key is required to use it for production.

Is OpenSea API free?

Yes, it is free to use.

What are the alternatives to OpenSea API?

There are more than 100 alternatives to OpenSea API in the marketplace, but among the best ones are Coinbase, Blockchain demo, CryptoKitties, Hypto, and NFTPort. These alternatives may need things to be set up precisely and accordingly.

How to use OpenSea API and get started?

To use OpenSea API and get started, users will need an integrated development environment or IDE and a programming language. 

To understand OpenSea API, this article will cite Python as an example. It is used to download all NFT data and transactions, as well as all the other types of available data framed and structured in a particular format. 

To get started with the OpenSea API and use it for production, there will be a form that you need to fill out to get a key. 

Obtaining assets

The object is to obtain successful asset sales using OpenSea API. A request will be issued to access the endpoints. Other specific filter parameters, like the owner string, token ids, collection, asset contract address, order direction, collection order, limit, and more.

Here are the images of the first 20 assets obtained in descending order direction using Python with OpenSea API :

It is important to note that sorting out or classifying the data using the date of listing filters the assets sold in escrow from assets that are not to be sold.

Getting bundle data

Each bundle consists of a group of assets classified and packed for sale. Getting data on the bundles of assets using OpenSea API requires hitting the endpoints. However, no gas is required in the packing process. 

Obtaining single asset

A single asset can be obtained with OpenSea API by calling the asset endpoint using the token ID and the contract address. See the image to follow the process of obtaining cryptopunks assets:

You can also follow the example in this image if you want to point out the asset description and collection.

Obtaining a contract

A contract can be obtained with OpenSea API by calling on the asset contract endpoint using the provided address. Here is the code to do that:

Obtaining events

A list of events can be obtained with OpenSea API on certain assets by using the endpoints. The type of event obtained is specified correctly by writing the following format:

Obtaining collections

A collection can be obtained with OpenSea API by sending a request to the endpoint. The collections endpoints show how many items and which items are included in the account.

Obtaining orders

An order can be obtained with OpenSea API by accessing the orders endpoint. You can easily utilize other parameters to change and customize the data. Here is an example:

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