Tag: python

  • Backtrader for Backtesting (Python): All You Need to Know

    Source Link: https://algotrading101.com/learn/backtrader-for-backtesting/ If you want to backtest a trading strategy using Python, you can either build your own backtester, use a cloud trading platform, or run the backtests using pre-existing libraries like Backtrader and Zipline. In this article, we will use Backtrader as our pre-existing library. This option gets the job done, and you…

  • Google Colab: A Detailed Guide

    Google Colaboratory or Google Colab is an online notebook that allows coding and writing Python in the browser.  It is equipped with various Machine Learning libraries, and it can harness the full potential of Python libraries. Scientists and engineers take advantage of its broad capabilities. It’s free Google Colab is always free to use. All…

  • Linear Regression in Python: A Quick Mini-Course

    If you are interested in Linear Regression, this article will show you a step-by-step guide on how to implement linear regression in Python. What is Regression Analysis? It is a statistical method used in finance to determine the relationship between variables – how important they are and how they affect each other.  There are two…

  • FTX REST API – Detailed Python Guide 2022

    FTX Rest API can help you create cryptocurrency applications and trade crypto quickly and effectively. You just have to set this up, and this API will handle the trading for you.  In this article, we’ll give you a detailed Python tutorial on using the FTX Rest API. Also, you’ll learn how to be a pro…

  • yfinance Python – Complete Tutorial – 2022

    If you’re into finance, crypto and stocks, then you must have felt the need for accurate (close to accuracy) market data. With Yahoo Finance, you can get your hands on the market data range of crypto, other currencies, and stocks.  But, the question is, where to access the data successfully and implement it for our…

  • Introducing Python for Finance – Detailed Guide

    Python is a popular and high-level programming language that can help a developer create programs quickly and effectively without taking care of details. We can also get Python’s benefits in Finance as it can help you automate your trade, optimize your portfolio, and backtest analysis. Mostly, high-level languages are slow, but that’s not the case…